Here's what's happening in our creative space, the Sail Loft, the NaviStitch shop, and on Manningtree High Street over the coming weeks...
In the Sail Loft...
You only have today/tomorrow to see the work of our two amazing Sail Loft artists: Kay Lucas with her beautiful art full of sunsets, boats and abstracts, and textile artist Pamela Hatswell who's also offering macrame workshops. If you can make it along, you could both buy something, and learn something new! Find out more from our calendar
Next up....
We're very excited at our next two-week exhibition. Chris Harvey, whose work features steampunk elements, resin and a whole host of different types of wood, is joined by seascape photographer Christian Davies. Chris hopes to inspire others to appreciate the beauty of nature and to see the world through a new lens. These are two super talented people that you should come and see when you can - they're with us from 6th-17th August
And then...
For the second half of August we've got two artists - one returning and one making her debut: Duffy Tomei who's displayed her work with us on several occasions, is an artist who loves to paint on large canvases using knife and oil or acrylic, but also delicate watercolours on smaller canvases; and Claire Day who is exhibiting with us for the first time, and for whom the natural world inspires her photos and paintings.
In Manningtree...

Here are a couple of August dates for your diary:
Manningtree Town Regatta – 10th and 11th August - Find more info here.
Our next Manningtree Makers Market takes place on 30th August from 9am-2pm, in Market Square.
And finally...

As well as my own art, I also enjoy working on commissions. Here's one I've recently enjoyed working on. The dot in the middle of the compass marks the spot where Mum's ashes have been scattered. The chart showing Harwich and Dovercourt also has lots of significant locations that are important to the family.
If you're making memories and would like to celebrate them, or you know someone who's celebrating and would like to mark the occasion, think about commissioning a piece of nautical stitched art.
Take a look at how easy it is to order your own unique piece created from maritime charts, both new and old - many of them fairly local. Always ask if you're looking for somewhere special - I've a huge collection.
Now that we can also take orders for bespoke framing in-store, the whole thing's as easy
Until next time, I wish you calm waters and plain sailing